To become a Volunteer Crisis Supporter for Lifeline, you must undertake extensive training, commit to shifts, and meet further selection criteria.
Our extensive training ensures you'll be confident, skilled, and able to support Lifeline's callers in times of emotional distress and crisis. We understand that the commitment is substantial but volunteering with Lifeline on their 13 11 14 crisis line is a very rewarding volunteer opportunity.
What training do I need to become a Crisis Support Worker with Lifeline?
Lifeline Australia is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 88036) registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Lifeline Centres provide training under the Lifeline Australia RTO and offer nationally accredited training under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Framework.
Once you are a Lifeline Accredited Crisis Supporter, the minimum requirement is a Statement of Attainment in the three Telephone Counselling Units of Competency listed below. You will be awarded the following:
CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
CHCCCS028 Provide client-centred support to people in crisis
You will need to complete the following Stages to become an accredited Crisis Supporter.
Crisis Supporter Training
Student Placement
Stage 1: Crisis Supporter Training
How is the Initial Crisis Supporter training delivered?
Our nationally recognised training combines eLearning (independent) and Face to Face (or Zoom) lessons with our trainers.
How long does the training take?
Your initial training takes place over no more than three months. You must attend all training dates to be successful in completion. Once you have completed your initial training, you will be invited into stage 2, Student placement.
Stage 2: Student Placement
Upon completing initial training, you will be invited to undertake student placement in your centre.
What does student placement involve?
During your student placement, you will engage in a combination of observation and supervised shifts logged onto the phone. This placement will allow you to practice your new skills, reflect on your progress and gain constructive and ongoing feedback. You must have logged 16 hours of placement to complete your student placement.
You will also have the opportunity to attend group supervision where you can share with other students, discuss your learning, and hear others’ challenges in a supportive environment.
Once you have completed your initial training, you will be invited into stage 3, Internship.
Stage 3 - Internship
During this period, an intern Crisis Supporter undertakes four-hour volunteer shifts on the phones, call coaching, group supervision and mandatory professional development.
How long does the internship take?
Your internship will commence over seven months, and you must have 56 call hours logged to become accredited.
When can I become an accredited Crisis Support Worker?
After you have logged 56 call hours, call coaching, supervision and professional development modules, you will attend a final assessment and closing interview to be deemed competent and given their Statement of Attainment from Lifeline Australia.
Successful completion of the internship gives a Crisis Supporter full accreditation.
Students will be assessed during all three stages of their training, and feedback will be given.
When can I start my first shift as a Crisis Support Worker?
Once fully accredited, you can start working and supporting your community immediately!