Lifeline supports those who are bereaved by suicide in a number of ways:
- We facilitate a support group (SOS - Survivors of Suicide) for the family and friends of those who have died by suicide.
- We send out information packs.
- We provide care calls.
- We offer personal counselling.
Call 1300 152 854 to find out more.

Walking beside those bereaved by suicide in our community, many have offered words of wisdom and comfort to those recently bereaved:
- Your journey is your journey –it is very personal.
- Take all the time you need, be who you are in your attempt to make sense of this tragedy.
- Do not compare your grief to anyone else's; if you are married do not compare it to your spouse's, if you are a parent don't compare it to your children's.
- No one can tell you what time frame your grief will last – there isn't one.
- No one can tell you how to grieve – there is no rule book.
- You have the possibility of developing a greater sense of compassion and empathy – when you come across someone who is having a hard time, you can be empathetic because you are also that person.
- Be gentle with yourself –don't expect too much of yourself.
- Everyone's grief looks different.
- People will tell what you should and shouldn't do i.e. it's time to move on or get over it – these are very hurtful words to hear.
- You have to find a new way to live.
- Time doesn't heal – it would be great if people were truthful – time doesn't heal but over time the pain does dull.
- I felt so alone and couldn't find comfort from my family and friends but being with others who had lost a loved one to suicide was what allowed me to not be alone in my grief.
- I have come to a place where I can be thankful for what they gave me and I have survived and can find joy again –something I never thought possible.
- Even though my sadness is close to the surface every day, I can both hear other people's stories and share my own.
Contact Lifeline on 1300 152 854 (9am-5pm, Monday – Friday) to find out what services are available to help support you through your grief.
If you are feeling sad, it is always good to talk to someone who cares. Lifeline is here to listen 24/7 call 13 11 14.
SOS (Bereavement Support Group)
Survivors of Suicide support groups are available in Newcastle, Maitland and Central Coast for those bereaved by suicide.
- It’s about support
- Connecting with others
- Talking and sharing experiences
Join us for a meeting at one of our locations:
Lifeline, 12 Maitland Rd, Islington
First Wednesday of each month, 6-8pm
Community Centre, 22 Bruce St, East Maitland
First Sunday of each month, 2-4pm
Central Coast
Lifeline Wyoming, 15 Cary St, Wyoming
First Saturday of each month, 2-4pm
How to join the group
Support groups are run monthly by a Suicide Grief and Loss Facilitator, and are free to attend. Please contact us to find out more information and the next date.
Call 1300 152 854 or complete the form below.
Learn more about our SOS Group from one of our facilitators, Bethany.
Learn more about our SOS Group from one of our lived experience support persons, Virginia.
Funding for this group has been made possible by The Lottery Office Charity Fund.