Suicide Prevention in Community - It’s all about connection

Lifeline in Community

We are supported through our strong connections with local government, community organisations and through the commitment of local community leaders and members.

We promote the capacity of local communities to develop, implement and sustain their own suicide safer community. We know this is a continuous journey that allows communities to take responsibility for their own development, bringing in local resources and approaches.

'We believe suicide prevention is everyone’s business. Through our collaborative work and connection with community, we are all building suicide safer communities'.

We support you and your community through offering:

  • Creating community connections around suicide prevention
  • Delivering community and workplace briefings and talks that start the conversation about suicide prevention in your community
  • Identify and support community leaders and community members who want to build a suicide safer community
  • Supporting connections within community to local council, services and groups
  • Developing and supporting local suicide prevention networks
  • Planning and participating in community events

Lifeline Suicide Postvention in South West Victoria

Through participation in PHN The Great South Coast Place Based Suicide Prevention Trial, Lifeline Geelong and South West Victoria has taken the role as lead agency on the Postvention Response Trial.

The Support After Suicide program provides a range of services and programs to support people who have been bereaved by suicide. The Support After Suicide program is administered by Jesuit Social Services (JSS) funded by the Federal Government through the Victorian Primary Health Networks. However, in the Great South Coast Region the program’s activity has been delivered by Lifeline Geelong and South West Victoria. There has been a colloquial place based activity in the South Great Coast, but the activity requires a protocol to ensure sustainability. This regional activity informs the Great South Coast Suicide Prevention Place Based Trial and working group.

This place based project will develop, lead and evaluate a postvention protocol to support people bereaved by suicide. To self refer for support please call 1300 152 854

Lifeline Skills For Life Training

Training is a key element in saving lives. Being able to identify and intervene when people are having thoughts of suicide is a skill for life.

Safe Talk

Livingworks SafeTALK

A half day suicide prevention awareness program: 3.5 HRS

What you will take away from the workshop:

  • Recognise that invitations for help are often overlooked
  • Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss, and avoid conversations around suicide
  • Notice and respond to situations in which thoughts of suicide may be present
  • Apply the basic TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep -safe)

Livingworks ASIST

Training in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


What to expect:

  • ASIST aims to enhance caregivers’ abilities to help a person at risk to avoid suicide
  • Participants learn to recognise when someone may be at risk of suicide and respond in ways that help increase immediate safety and link them to help
  • Extensive evaluations of ASIST outcomes have shown that participants demonstrate increased intervention skills and that ASIST training has led to positive changes in both knowledge and attitudes about suicide

Find out more about Skills-for-Life training courses and see upcoming training dates or contact us on 1300 152 854.

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