Looking to fundraise for Lifeline?
We have all the information you need to help get you started.
Hosting a community fundraiser is and effective way for you to make a big difference in the lives of others by making a financial contribution to the work Lifeline delivers in the community.
Be sure to choose Lifeline Direct Ltd when nominating your charity so your donation can help support local lives and services.
Fundraising ideas:
- Create your own event
- Participate in an existing run or walk event and encourage friends and family to sponsor you
- Encourage donations instead of Birthday gifts - facilitate though Facebook or Raisely.
- Host a Stress Down Day morning or afternoon tea
- Contact us to discuss your idea, we look forward to supporting you along the way.
I have an idea... what next?
It is amazing to witness what can develop out of a small idea. Lifeline loves the energy and passion that community fundraisers have in making a difference in the lives of others. We enjoy the process of working with you to help see your idea grow and succeed.
Once you have decided on what you would like to do it is important to get in contact with us. We will have a chat with you about your event, offer ways we might be able to assist and once your event is approved, we will issue you with an Authority to Fundraise so that you can collect money on behalf of Lifeline.
Some ways Lifeline can assist you with your fundraiser:
- Fundraising tools – Raisely or Facebook
- Online ticketing facilities - Sticky Tickets
- Volunteers to assist at the event
- A Lifeline speaker to attend your event and address the audience
- Media stories
- Lifeline Collateral
To apply for an Authority to Fundraise and talk to us about your fundraising initiative please get in touch:
Call - 1300 152 854 or fill in the form below