Does life feel out of control? Are you struggling to keep it all together?
We understand and we’re here to listen. Here are some small steps you can take to help life feel more in control:

  • Pause and take a break - be kind to yourself and take some time for yourself.
  • Try to change your perspective - understand that these feelings won't last forever and there is help available.
  • Take control of the things you can change - work on changing small things in your life that you can control like exercise, taking time for yourself, and eating well.
  • Celebrate the small wins - Life’s not perfect, but we should always take pride in the life we’ve created and celebrate the little things, it could be as simple as cooking a great meal. This helps you start looking at everyday life in a positive way.
  • Talk it out - find a friend, family, community member or counselling service that you can talk to without judgement. Sometimes we just need to be heard and it’s never too early to ask for help.

If you feel isolated from help and need someone to talk to. We're here for you 24/7 on 13 11 14, via text on 0477 13 11 14 or chat with us.

Local face-to-face, video and phone counselling is also available.